Thursday, September 29, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Silly title, yes, but how many times do I get to say that a year? After a rough start to the evening, my gracious God has brightened me up with my friends at the Potter's House in order to welcome my 19th year of life with a smile and happy heart.

My peer mentoring was alright, and then I missed the facials that were going on at the PH, which made me sad, but I did get to chat to my mother on the phone, and then have bible study, where I remained quiet for the night. But afterwards I perked up and the PH turned into a hot spot for laughter and people coming out of the woodwork to hang out. I love it there and actually, for the first time, I'm declaring that I would greatly enjoy living there next year as a Junior. It's cheaper, I get my own room and a home instead of concrete walls. And most importantly, my faith would be strengthened in community with other Christians. Now I wonder what mother will think of that when she reads that. Haha.

So I am now 19 years old. I don't feel all that different, my other friends tonight told me I act more mature than I actually am, which is kind of funny. I may look like a mere 16 year old but do I have the spirit of someone older? Hmm, pondersome. I recieved a cute bear and card from my roomie when I returned to the room and my friends Im-ing me and giving birthday wishes. Birthdays are fun. I don't think I will ever stop liking them.

Anyway, I need some sleep, big day tomorrow, or is it today? Who's counting hours, my eyelids are drooping! Haha, night everyone! :)


Blogger Heather said...

Happy late birthday, Lindsay! Thanks for visiting my blog!

4:45 PM  

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