Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Black Lung Lives On

It appears that my body has decided it wants to be trendy like the rest of the people in Pennsylvania and pick up the evil “Black Lung” disease that is going around, most prominently in Edinboro at the Potter’s House.

And so I cough.

I was fine until I came home. Sure, I had felt a touch of the lung congestion the week before but nothing like it is now after the intensified virus has taken its full swing. It seems each time I come home I pick up something new to deal with. Honestly, my immune system should be batting 100 here since I pop Vitamins C tablets every day or so. I’m even giving it a chance here to pump some resistance iron. Unfortunately, my immune system went to Cancun on this spring break and told me to deal with it. It’s busy working on its tan lines.

I have been awfully sick this year in comparison to previous years. Usually I get swamped down maybe once or twice with a bad cold or coughing spell that restrains me to the television and sofa with a tissue box nearby or in bed until noon time. Then I would get a weird disease that no one has that would knock me out for a week of school. This happened about once a year, and I don’t know why, frankly. I am a pretty healthy person, eat my veggies and fruits, and the usually brushing of les dents.

The last brute that came though to kick my butt was the virus I picked up after I came home from IYC (International Youth Convention) with the youth group. Now mind you, IYC is a convention of some 6,000 kids getting together in one place to praise and learn more about God as well as connect with thousands of other Christian youths in the nation. In addition to all the national airborne germs gathering together at one destination, our means of transportation was the ever-popular Greyhound bus, which I now detest and loathe from the bottom of my heart. So when the doctor asked me about what I had been doing lately, she was a little surprised at my happenings but at the same time not surprised why I was down and out with something evil from a distant land where they have spears made out of bamboo.

The spell turned out to be a rare virus I did pick up from all the traveling instead of Strep Throat or Mono, like they has guessed in the doctor’s office. This fact, of course, was only discovered after they tested the blood that was drained out of me for some lab work. Lindsay didn’t go for the whole blood work routine…and almost passed out afterwards….but that is another blog for another day.

All in all, I’m not usually deathly ill, just once in a blue moon. Just this time I’m hacking up the blue moon and all of its cheesiness.



Blogger Melonie said...

Feel better soon Lindsay. 7 out of 9 of us are experiencing lung issues at our house. Drink a lot of fluids and rest.

4:00 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I was going to say. Melonie is also experiencing some bronchial distress at this time. Both of you need to get well, like, now.

Linds, I love the new background , it looks great!

5:04 PM  

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