Monday, March 14, 2005

The Erie Journey

As I was chilling in my room after yet another hectic run of Monday’s classes coming to a gradual end, I read my friend’s away message from the Potter’s House inviting anyone to visit another Potter’s House resident who was in the hospital. Me, floored of course and troubled by this sudden news, IM’ed K for more information and a reservation in her car for the jaunt up to Erie to visit cute little Milena.

We arrived at the hospital with the surprise of “Vallet” parking by the guys out front. I then saw that this hospital was much different than the one at home, ACMH. ACMH has a reputation for, well, we just won’t go there! If I can remember in case of a crisis that my mother would have (Heaven Forbid) it’s the line “Just bypass ACMH, take me to Pittsburgh!”. It’s kind of ironic how a world-leading center for medical care is neighbored next to a pain in the rear hospital a county over. Hmm.

Back to the story at hand, we parked the Saturn for $2.00 for an hour and made our way into the lavish building. It was quite nice and was pretty welcoming. We elevated up and up to the 6th floor to see Milena and how she was doing. Apparently she expressed to the others at the Potter’s House that she was suffering from pain in her stomach that continued throughout the day. Later that night they took her to the hospital and ran a few tests that came back saying that she needed to have her appendix taken out. So around 5:30 AM she went into surgery. Hence, we decided to visit her later on tonight for a chance to speak with her when she wasn’t zonked out.

She was zonked out.

Really, she was! One of the medical assistants came in and wiggled her feet with no response. But my heart ached for her; she definitely looked like she was in Snoozeland. We left the card and presents and left on our merry way back home. But as K said wisely, “We cannot come the whole way to Erie and not stop somewhere!”

That led to the visit to the sweetest place on earth- The Krispy Kreme Shop. Yes, they make those! I really didn’t even know that! And better yet…the light was on! And for those of you who are not familiar with the whole “Light at Krispy Kreme Store” scenario, it means they are handing out a free glazed doughnut! We step into the store and gaze upon the blessed conveyor belt of sugary goodness. This visit also resulted in a precious purchase of a St. Patty’s Day Doughnut and chocolate milk to go. Yum. Working out today in the room was a good idea- it compensated for the 15,000 calories I consumed in 2 calorie-rific delicacies.

So it was E, K, J, K, and another J and I. A night out on the town with the girls after a hectic Monday- what I needed. And believe me, I was so tired and worn from a day of comp tinplating I was actually thinking of a nap. Me, a nap! I never nap! Roomie, yes, nap is the elixir of life, but not I! The night out was exactly what the doctor ordered.

So far the week is mild and flowing at a normal pace. Hopefully it will decide to stay that way and not flood me with assignments and madness like the week before Spring Break. Have a great tomorrow!


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