Wednesday, March 30, 2005

It's About Time

The weather in Edinboro is unusually wonderful. It's so nice, I tossed my winter coat on my bedpost and picked up my spring jacket to wear in the sunny and breezy March temperatures. It's shocking to see snow actually melting for once. Honestly, I thought the day would never come. Unfortunatly, I am writing this post in a stuffy computer lab filled with people clicking and clacking about their projects. I much rather have a laptop outside and work on something else, not to offend my project I finished (I actually liked this one opposed to the others).

It's also about time that this Intro to Computer Software class stopped, well, to be blunt, sucking. It's 2 1/2 hours of 80 degree temperatures and videos on photoshop that could put to sleep a five year old who just chugged a can of Red Bull. It's slowly gotten better though, the change of project helped. We were doing a catalog for the Erie Art Museum but the idea was bland and our professor let her students that are two years ahead of us work on the same project. Needless to say, they chose one of the upper level student's design over the entry level student. Days like those make me smile when I remind myself Graphic Design in my minor. Muaha.

But in the process of going through so much psychological debate in my mind about my major, I have learned a lot about Graphic Design. I have discovered that there are some students that pour their heart and soul into their projects and devote themselves as personal slaves to the computer lab and others who turn project in late, want to leave class early, and beg the professor to stop talking, in their heads, of course.

I am in the middle of the road. I don't have the class, but I don't love it either. But lately, it's been tolerable for almost 3 classes straight. Today has been one of them, mostly because the entire class has been focused on re-touching pictures and faces. Therefore, I am in for some digital plastic surgury! Anyone else want any? I'm open for shop!


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