Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Busy Bee

Buzz, buzz, I'm the busy bee! It's been a bit crazy trying to find time to do everything in the matter of four days. I'm going back home to ol' Kittanning this weekend so I'm rushing around trying to make lists of things to take home, bring back, and tasks to accomplish while I'm home. Since I won't reach the homestead until 6:00 Friday night and will leave Sunday, I will just spend time with family and leave other visiting for Thanksgiving break.

I can't wait to see the baby, she's probably gotten so big! The Potter's House hosted an awesome costume party last weekend. (You can find pics of that and more on my webshots link on the side bar.) Class is good, I think I am actually enjoying most of them now. I look back at two of my classes from last semester and discovered I really liked them and learned a lot but didn't realize I enjoyed them at the time. This year I am trying to change that and evaluate which ones spark my interest. To my surprise, three of my five classes have taught me all sorts of information, which is a good thing. Let's hope that luck continues when I schedule tomorrow at 6:00PM.

I've been meaning to rip apart the blog and give it a new look but two things have come in the way, one being my lack of time, and since there is a lack of time, there is lack of effort and I rish things. Secondly, I wish I knew more about how to set it up. I would love to know how to have a rockin' blog with all sorts of cool features. Do they make an HTML for dummies, or "Set up your blog so it's rockin' cool" book? (I'd lean more towards the first title than the second, haha)

Well, I got distracted and have wasted 20 mintues on the computer when I should be doing laundry becuase my RamRod shirt needs washed. Get smells so bad from the bowling lanes that it's a weekly must. Anyway, catch ya later!


Blogger Gordon said...

Yeah Lindsay they have an "HTML for Dummies" book, it's good. I've got something similar "Visual Quickstart Guide to HTML,5th edition with CSS & XHTML", This includes all the how to stuff on how to write proper font / paragraph / Header styles and how to make it "complient" but you don't need to make it complient just as long as it works in blogger in both IE and Firefox it's good to go (That is the hard part - if it works in both then it's more than likely complient). What might help as well (as this allows you to give it some dynamic feel is learn how to write javascript - like my simple "clock" or make a "flash" scrolly thing for all the blogs you have links to..

11:08 AM  

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