Monday, November 21, 2005

Come Again?

Ok, so it's been a coon's age since the last time a posted anything. I've been ooper busy with projects, reading, ministry, and the usual hanging out and such. IN addition to the fantabulous busyness I contracted a sore throat Friday and in result lost my voice Saturday afternoon. Thankfully, then the voice was taken. the sore throat decided to pack up and move it's needly disease elsewhere. Hoo ray. I'll be home for the holiday tomorrow. It's about time for a Thanksgiving break. I wish I had breaks in Edinboro so I could just dum around and say I was duming around and not wasting time the presence of homework, therefore classified as multi-tasking or procrastinating. Team RamRod is done for the season, I cam out with an average above 100, claps all around, wahoo, another record for SGA to store away and misplace, haha. It's time for dinner so I must get going. Half the challenge is trying to get K out of bed since we eat at a time when he claims he isn't hungry. We'll kindly ignore his request and drag him to the cafe. I'll post when arrive back in hickville. Toodles!


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