Friday, October 15, 2004

When It Rains, It Pours

I woke up this morning figuring it was still around 7:00 AM but to my surprise the gloomy clouds and rain shower disguised the 9:00 sunshine. My roommate began to tell me of the tyrannical downpour from her way back to class; that’s about the time I remembered I actually had to crawl out of bed on a Friday due to a meeting at 10:00. Poo. But thanks to the knowledge of my trusty umbrella, I gained enough will power to un-burrow myself from my comforter wonderland and climb down the bed.

The rain dripped steadily from the grey sky on my way to the meeting. Some used their thinker and pulled out their umbrellas while others were crap out of luck and resorted to pulling up their hooded sweatshirts and treading through the muck.

On my journey to Compton, about a ten minute walk, I started to realize that Edinboro may have not been designed for rain. The intersections and sidewalks tend to floor at certain parts to the point where it seems like you are watching coverage after a hurricane on your television. So I skipped and hopped all over the place like a little school girl who didn’t want to get her dolly wet, and eventually made it to the building. The strategy worked and I remained relatively dry for the most part. Being a sissy can come in handy.


The weather, I predict, will be quite a treat for the season. I already find that the climate here and changes in weather patterns are quite unpredictable and bizarre. As I write this, the sun is shining and those grey, ominous clouds are parting. One minute it’s sunny and warm, the next it’s dripping wet and soggy outside like cereal left in the bowl too long. I’ve already heard six or seven different stories about the weather around here and still don’t know what to make out of it.

Yet even though there will be snow, and snow, and some snow, and for a change of pace- snow, the snow will be interesting and fun. I can already see Manna and I making snowman and having Team RamRod snow fights. Unfortunately, I can see a Silver Sunfire skidding past then entrance to Rose Hall and doing a U turn to gain control. But that probably won’t happen; John is pretty good when it comes to inclimate weather.

Whatever the outcome of the winter and weather patterns in Edinboro, it’s likely to be fun, unpredictable, and an experience I will probably remember for the rest of my life. Especially the snowman. I love snowman.


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