Grin from Ear to Ear
The winter here hasn't been all that horrible and wretched as predicted (knock on wood). And as I said, old man winter is still kicking. There's still snow on the ground but on the way back from class I noticed how the snow was melting, something that rarely happens in this arctic tundra I call my second home.
Coming back from that class I observed two other things, one of those being the amount of sunlight that is still around when I leave the building at 5:30PM. Each day the sun's beautiful streams are lasting a little long. As I enjoyed the brisk walk back to my dorm room, I noticed a vast flock of geese flying over. At first, I didn't know whether to continue walking or take cover due to my white coat. But I was too thrilled to see them all fly above, squawking back and forth as if they were evaluating the in-flight movie with each other.
The noises and smells are different everyday, whether if be huge flock of birds traveling above or the littlest sound like a student sneezing. I often pass people on the sidewalks with their ipods a goin' and their heads bobbin' but I rather have the mental vacation on the way to class, and the awareness of the bus approaching as it plans to run me over from behind.
Yesterday was Reading Day, also know as "should have been an official holiday you have off for a four day weekend but you're not that lucky" day. But a day off is a day off, and I enjoyed it to the fullest. All the great things in life were combined on Reading day: Sleeping in, breakfast, reading, working out, the gathering, eating 3 slices of pizza, and such. My heart might disagree about the choice of the last event, but my taste buds did quite the happy dance. Too bad my thighs will join in with them and do the happy giggle.
Oh, and just throwing this out there - does anyone know any information about orthodics and about running? I currently, as I type this, have ice on my calf, which for the past 4 weeks, has decided to throw a throbbing party since I got back into running a bit more. I try to not roll my ankle, I try to lift my knees, keep in a straight line, everything - but I'm still hurtin'. I don't want to sounds like a baby though, it's just annoying, and I hope something more serious doesn't develop.
Well, it's time to enjoy a quick little break before bowling tonight. And remember, just because the snow is melting doesn't mean the ice isn't there. ;)