Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Rub A Dub Dub, No Curtain For The Tub

I was casually standing in our room after a filling meal from the Rose Hall Café when my roommate Manna came rushing through the door with some disturbing news. She proceeded to ramble on information about the showers and curtains and bathing, almost like a person who just saw something traumatic and are so out of breathe they can’t form complete sentences. At a slower pace, she again tried to explain herself in a clearer way. It seemed that the individual shower curtains were missing in the bathroom. Not only were they missing but just one hung at both ends of the shower section and someone had the valor of going in bare butted to play with soaps and suds.

The news shocked me and I knew I had to check out this crazy situation for myself. My roomie warned me not to look too much in case the brave bather was in the open. So I pushed open the swinging door and passed by two columns of sinks to my right that connects to the shower section. Indeed, shower curtains at the end of the sinks were hanging and no sight of other yellow curtains came into view. Yet did not glace close enough for a detailed view for fear of porcelain room porn.

Shocked at the evident truth of the astonished news, Manna and I decided to book it down to the lobby where RA Patrice was on desk duty. We scurry down the 4 flights of stairs and come to the desk at the lobby where Patrice sits talking to her sister. We report the news and this travels to Coordinator Heidi who gets a few laughs and phones Maintenance to correct the silly mishap. The other Coordinator Lauren questioned the mentality of the nudist and her actions. Both of them explained the calamity as a mistake by the workers if the holes were being re-drilled (we had no idea what holes she was talking about but we nodded our heads and said yes like smart little residents) and they forgot to put them back up. The problem was solved. Maintenance would soon arrive to brush up on their Martha Stewart skills. Back to the dorm, Batman.

On the haul back up the stairs we discussed what a good story for our web pages this would be, a real funny for people to read on and get a good chuckle.

Have you ever tried crow? It’s really good you know.

Or that new cosmetic item called egg, goes great on your face.

I decided to commemorate the silliness with the aid of my digital camera. As I strolled into the bathroom once again I made my way towards the showers and got a good angle for the Kodac moment. Unfortunately, this moment was more than Kodac. It was candid camera.

There were shower curtains, all five of them, hanging in place, never removed. This, my friends, is not good.

Manna rushed to the room and gives the idea that we play dumb or lie about it. Yet that doesn’t help the fact that people are on their way with five new shower curtains to hang when there are already five there that didn’t move. Someone had to fess up. Someone had to say ‘oops’. I got voted off the island.

I flew down the stairs, making lots of noise with my fuzzy flip flops, and sought Patrice who was apparently taking care of a door alarm issue. As I paced around, I noticed two burly men, each going into the Storage closet getting some type of supply. Patrice soon returned and I whispered the dreadful news of the false alarm. Then she said this to me:

“Well, you better go tell Maintenance because they are right there.” As she points behind to the same two burly guys preparing to go on the elevator up to the 4th floor. I took a glance at them, then a glance at her, back at them, again at her, and whisper:


She nodded. I proceeded over and in a professional, educated manner I started out saying:

“Umm, you don’t have to go up there.”

(Is that the best I can do? I love using words and playing with them and I pull out a dumb line like that? Smooth, Lindsay, smooth.)

I then told them it was a false alarm and that someone just didn’t see the curtains there. At first, I received a plain-faced ‘dur’ look, then a comforting smile- my signal to flee as soon as my shoes could move me without injury from tripping and falling.

I ran back upstairs quickly and rushed into my room as I uttered the words:

“You owe me.”

Opening the door it appeared that Manna was gone, but I soon heard her voice and noticed she was hiding in her closet. Then we laughed. Out of breathe and probably red in the face, I told her the dynamic story and the embarrassment of the night.

Humility is a wonderful thing that can take you from six feet to six inches. Maybe next time I’ll take six more seconds to get a better look at a crime scene just incase no crime ever happened. Oops. Sorry Patrice!


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