Wednesday, August 31, 2005

To the Classroom, Batman!

The first week of school is always one that remains pretty memorable. It all starts out with the run-of-the-mill syllabus and instructions followed by an early dismissal only to return to the dorm room with no homework or project to cram it. This doesn’t disappoint me by any means, for I love to waste time on the computer or do odds and ends around the room.

This semester I am taking a total of 15 credits, which is a nice break from 18 the previous spring semester. As always, I had already scoped out the class by seeking students who took the course, looking at the student ratings of the professor on, and making sure my schedule was comfortable and pleasing. So far, I enjoy most of my classes.

Monday and Wednesday consists of two classes, the first one, Studio Skills, run from 9:00-11:30 but today we ended at 10:30 because our “professor” ran out of things to say for the class. It dragged on and on, I was even bored after 15 minutes of class. The next class is at 12:00-2:00, my Space and weather class. I don’t exactly know the real official name, some call it Astronomy or GEOS109, but either way it’s a good class and I look forward to it.

Tuesday and Thursday consist of three classes. I start of the day with Intro to Public Relations from 9:30-10:45, then later on at 12:30 I head of to Literature of the Bible Part1, and then head off to Psychology of Communication at 2:00 to 3:15. Luckily for me, those last two are in the same building. Hoo roo.

As you might have noticed, I didn’t mention any Friday classes, probably because I don’t have any! Yes, you are jealous, please don’t say mean things at me or try to blackmail me or blackblog me or something of that nature. My roommate and another fellow RamRod member also are class-less on Friday. It means a good, early start to a weekend at home or a weekend at school, school most likely.

I feel the workload will be alright. I hope to get an on-campus job this semester so I can save up the money for something like my invisaligns (that I am dying for), a car (that I don’t need right now, but my yellow sunfire is a nice thought), or Christmas spending money (I take great pleasure in mapping out good gifts for people at the holidays).

Now it’s time for me to depart and partake in one of my favorite activities of the day- eating! I still need to catch up on the blogging but don’t worry, I will get around to it! Later!


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