The Donkey is Down and Out
Greetings oh faithful blog reader. You are to be commended for holding out so long since the last posting. Here's a cookie.
Well, I wish I could have a cookie, because I feel like I got my butt kicked. I picked up some strain of allergy/cold complete with the runny nose that is strong enough for a marathon, aches that are finally receeding, and all that glorious stuff. I've been holding out well for months now, I haven't been ill since November. It always hits when I go on vacation, I'm a living Murphy's law.
Oh, but today is a little better, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Even the sun is shining in Edinboro, and I can sit in the upright position long enough to type. I skipped my first class this morning, which, in my mind, was a wise choice. First off, the class is public speaking and I gave my speech last week, thank goodness. So today's class would have consisted of listening to babbling of other students while I sat in misery. Not saying their speeches would be considered babbling, but just saying I would not be in any position to sit and listen intently. This morning I took a shower, ate some breakfast, and went to class, then to work. And I'm done for the day. Hoorah.
Yesterday was the 7 hour visit to the Potter's House which consisted of the movie fest which included greats like " Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Sabrina", and "Notting Hill". Those girls at the house are amazing. I was fed, blanketized, massaged, and offered anything I could even imagine. God is good. He has blessed me very much. And to make me smile yesterday, I recieved an unexpected call from my buddy at Penn State, who is currently home on Spring Break. We compared schedules and discovered we can do lunch this Saturday, which make me a happy camper.
Until then, it's an army of sudafed, nyquill, and claritin (not all at the same time) that has been injected into my bloodstream trying to kill whatever that is trying to kill me. Killing is not good, but can be justifed sometimes, haha.
As for now, it's time to be ultra-unproductive again. Have a good week, and drink your orange juice.
Well, I wish I could have a cookie, because I feel like I got my butt kicked. I picked up some strain of allergy/cold complete with the runny nose that is strong enough for a marathon, aches that are finally receeding, and all that glorious stuff. I've been holding out well for months now, I haven't been ill since November. It always hits when I go on vacation, I'm a living Murphy's law.
Oh, but today is a little better, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Even the sun is shining in Edinboro, and I can sit in the upright position long enough to type. I skipped my first class this morning, which, in my mind, was a wise choice. First off, the class is public speaking and I gave my speech last week, thank goodness. So today's class would have consisted of listening to babbling of other students while I sat in misery. Not saying their speeches would be considered babbling, but just saying I would not be in any position to sit and listen intently. This morning I took a shower, ate some breakfast, and went to class, then to work. And I'm done for the day. Hoorah.
Yesterday was the 7 hour visit to the Potter's House which consisted of the movie fest which included greats like " Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Sabrina", and "Notting Hill". Those girls at the house are amazing. I was fed, blanketized, massaged, and offered anything I could even imagine. God is good. He has blessed me very much. And to make me smile yesterday, I recieved an unexpected call from my buddy at Penn State, who is currently home on Spring Break. We compared schedules and discovered we can do lunch this Saturday, which make me a happy camper.
Until then, it's an army of sudafed, nyquill, and claritin (not all at the same time) that has been injected into my bloodstream trying to kill whatever that is trying to kill me. Killing is not good, but can be justifed sometimes, haha.
As for now, it's time to be ultra-unproductive again. Have a good week, and drink your orange juice.
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