Friday, March 03, 2006

The RamRodian Way

This is a picture that was taken two weeks ago at a "reunion" style RamRod bowling Wednesday. The member on the far right of the picture with blonde hair is a returning member from the Spring 05 semester. He left later that summer for Marine traning and didn't return to school this year because his training and such was extended. But the hopeful word on the street, or at least to us, is that he'll return to Edinboro for the Fall semester of 2006-2007 academic year. He's alright signed the lease to an apartment with the guy to the farthest left, K, so he better return! We miss him bunches, he's a nice guy. Out of several guys I know, these would be the two guys I would want to walk down a dark alley with, not saying I do it often or at all. But they are like big brothers, strong, protective, and a little crazy. ;)

I completed one Mid-Term today in my Persuasion and Propaganda class, which consisted of 3 complete essays in 15 mintues, 3 essays among 12 that were on the studyguide we recieved Wednesday. Needless to say, I'm a praying girl to begin with, but for test like this, there is no shame in getting a prayer chain started in that class! I feel I did half decent, had just enough time, and went on my merry way to fully celebrate a Friday. Earlier in my 10:00 I got back my test from Monday and recieved an unexpected 95%. *clicking of the heels*

My parents are coming to visit this weekend. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'm sure the weekend will be fine, and that all kinds of hilarity will occur. Maybe they will have a little more respect for my dorm life after they rough it out for a night, not saying they don't have any respect as it is. I can't complain, I'm going to be living in a house next year.

Speaking of the house, I keep thinking of reasons why I am going to do a double heel click when I haul the last thing out of my psychological cubical cell. One of them is the showers. In Rose, the temperature for the ENTIRE building is universal. Which means, if you're the only one in the showers on your floor, you can live. If someone else gets in a shower stall, you're burning. A third person enters, and call CSI to investigate if they can find any of your remains since they were insinerated.

Another reason of jubilation would be the ceasing of 2:30AM fire drills, like the one this past Wednesday morning. Shocking, but I don't enjoy hauling my butt out of bed to then freeze it off along with my feet and hands while waiting to re-enter the building. Apparently, people in college still have trouble popping popcorn, the cause for the evacuation. Fantastic. If we're going to have a drill, let's make it a good one and light up a couch or something.

I'm deeply sorry if this sounds like complaining, really, it's just minor storytelling. Adventures keep things fresh, even if it's as simple as a fire drill or a grilling in the shower. I'm not saying I enjoy them, but they do make the memories, don't they?

Speaking of jubilation earlier, the conference I attended, Jubilee, was awsome. It's a conference about combining faith and career, and challenging also. I learned a great deal, had a lot of fun, and missed a lot of sleep. But oh well, the sleep returned, took awhile, but I'm up to par. But besides that, Jubilee was awesome. So awesome that I signed my friends K,H,K, and I to sponsor a child through Compassion International. It's a great foundation, started out small in the 1960's after the Korean War, and helps over 600,000 children in over 20 countries.

Well, it's time to be productive. I have some things waiting on me, like homework. Too bad it can't catch a bus or something. Because in a week, this chick's bus is heading home for SPRING BREAK! Peace out!


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