Monday, February 28, 2005

Best Part Of Waking Up Is A Survey In Your Cup!

Goodmorning! I had a great night of sleep, made a few mistakes but I'll try to do better tomorrow night (har har) and I also recieved my bibliography back in class (that I thought I totally bombed) and everything appears to be correct! Hoo roo! So to start my morning I've decided to follow Sharon's lead and also take the survey. Enjoy!

What is the geekiest part of your music collection? Probably my oldies that none of my friends know. I'ma cultured kid...if the culture goes back some 20 or 30 years.

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? Pay It Forward. It's a terribly sad movie that is unbearable for just about anyone, but a good movie.

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? The only thing I would want fixed it dental and that dog gone gap. I can only hope someday that it could be corrected to my liking.

Do you have a completely irrational fear? I used to have this crazy fear at night that someone was going to tap on my window and appear there...because that actually did happen once! I was in the 9th grade, something like that, and my friend was going to pick me up for a trip the band was taking to Washington D.C. Silly me was in such a sleep coma that i hit the alarm without even knowing it. The next thing I remember is awakening to the knocking above my window by my friend, waking up and seeing her headlights in the yard, figuring it all out, and freaking. I was paranoid about people tapping on my windows, but it was such a joke and everyone started doing it, so I kind of grew out of it.

Do you know anyone famous? I've seen famous people like Kiss, former football players, and Mr. Rodgers, even had my picture with old Fred, but as far as knowing anyone, I don't think so. I consider the great people in my life famous!

Who would play you in a movie? I always loved Ariel in the Litter Mermaid or Sabrina (the one with Harrison Ford, not the kiddy one where the teenage is a witch).

What do you carry with you at all times? My I.D., Debit Card, Driver's License, and my room key. Heaven knows how many times I've misplaced all those item. (Usually the cards stay in play pretty well since I have a pocket thing for them, but still.

What do you miss most about being a kid? The simpleness of life, and yummy breakfasts.

What colour is your bedroom? Pink and white (But green would be cool, haha)

What was the last song you were listening to? Vince Gill

Have you ever been in a play? Yes, childhood ones like a production of the "Cat in the Hat" when I was a child and countless dramas for the youth group and, so far, one drama for the Gathering up here at school.

Have you ever been in love?Tee hee!

Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Umm, no.I probably annoy them, like most people do. That's why I love doing events like the 30 Hour Famine and sponsoring kids through my old youth group.

What is your ideal marriage location? Probably the good old church, if not a church, outdoors or on the beach!

Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? The Piano, I played other instruments like the Trumpet and Trombone, and a touch of the Baritone.

Favorite fabric? Like Sharon said, whatever is soft!

What's the one language you want to learn? Spanish, I already know some French from high school.

How do you eat an apple? I pick it up, open my jaw, put the apple in a desirable loaction, munch down, chew, and swallow.

What do you order at a bar? Probably Chicken of some kind, haha. And a good glass of vodka, a mean water, ha ha

Have you ever pierced your body parts? My ears- twice. And I still down have pierced ears...

Do you have tattoos? Nope

Do you drive a stick? Eh, not really. I do want to learn though. My friend M up here has a stick and is going to take me out for a lesson in Spring. So just in case my pregant cousin needs a trip to the hosptial, I am capable to help (or get groceries for her,lol)

Favorite trait of the opposite sex? Kindess is one...there are many.

What kind of watch do you wear? A charm bracelet watch I got from Wuvor's mother. I love it because each charm has a story of it's own.

Most frivolous purchase? The only thing I can think of right now is the fireman's hat I bought at Wal-Mart.

What are you best at cooking?

Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I could...but why?

What's one car you will never buy? Probably a Ford, since it's taboo to my father.

What kind of books do you like to read? Stuff that is interesting to me. I am trying to make my way through teh Lord of the Rings Book 2 but I am sidetracked with a book I got this weekend called "A New Way to be Human".

If you won the lottery, what would you do? Skip endlessly. Then pay someone to skip for me, haha.

Do you cry in front of your friends? I have before because I would only do it infront of the friends I love.

What's one thing you like to do alone? Read?

Are you a giver or a taker? Always better to give than to receive.

When's the last time you cried? This weekend. But for someone who cries a lot, our bowling partner Mike cries all the time, but it's his eye that causes it, lol.

How many drinks before you're tipsy? I wouldn't really know


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