Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Burger Break-through

It’s not really a lazy week for me, but I feel like it is. All the momentum that was pushing me to exercise left me yesterday and now I am left at a crossroads- fitness or “hoboness”? I didn’t help that in my Health/PE class today that the professor told us it’s not a sin to eat a burger every now and then. Since I have been cautious of my eating, I have avoided all fast food-like products like the plague.

I really used to be picky about what I snacked on when I started running two years ago to the point were I would deprive myself a piece of cake every now and then and go for months without a slice. No sweets, no candy, nothing. I really had something against the American lifestyle to the point where it was kind of restraining and bothersome. Wuvor helped me get out of the pressuring rut by pretty much telling me I was going to eat that piece of cheesecake because it doesn’t matter what I look like to him, sculpted or un-sculpted, he still loves me.

So in result of the PE class, I had a burger today…and boy was it good. Last time I ate out of the grill was early January with a Fish Sandwich, and my first burger was my last, about September or so. I figured it was due for a change and some red meat.

I do watch what I snack on and I actually do read labels (or at least try to). I remember my Aunt M. saying “If it’s partionally hydrogenated, don’t eat it.” Which is very true, partionally hydrogenated foods are transfatty foods, very bad. I’m into my fruits and veggies, by good food and bad. Heart disease is big on both sides of the family, so there really isn’t any wasting time when it comes to exercise and diet.

It’s been a busy lately, so the blogs have been less frequent. Hopefully I can have some time to free up my fingers and type in some good stories.

Happy A Day Late Valentine’s Day!


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