Thursday, April 21, 2005

Let's Go Home

I’m literally pooped after an evening of tearing down and packing away. Ma comes tomorrow to help haul the load of crap I have here in Edinboro. Yet as I pack it all away in rush and trying to be as efficient as I can be, I can’t help but think about the past year.

The room feels empty and cold without the warm embrace of pictures and posters covering the crevices of the concrete walls. The extra clothes have been shoved in the draw string bag, the lamps unplugged, and the stars picked off the ceiling one by one. My freshman year is coming to a close. A place I wanted nothing to do with in the beginning of the year has become a cozy safe haven by the end. I have met friends and learned numerous lessons, lessons I wouldn’t have learned anywhere else. I’ve met others who share my love for God, and my faith has grown from a broken seed to a plant growing looking to the sun.

As I walked back from the Thursdays night bible study at the Potter’s House, Meagan and I chatted like sisters, like we do every week. Yet this week I knew that soon we would no long be walking together and her fellowship would be missing for four months. I wanted the journey back to Rose Hall to grow by another ten minutes. To make up for the lack of road to travel, we continued to talk as I visited her room. I have made numerous friends here; some close and some just acquaintances that hopefully become closer friends. The boys from RamRod are my brothers, young men that I play with on the beach and pull pranks on with. Roomie is the master of sleep. Soon I’ll be without her presence when I wake up every morning. I won’t be able to look over in bed and see her cocooned in her down blanket. Instead Ally the cat will be walking on my face!

In a way I guess it is true to say that people change when they go away to school- but I feel I have changed for the better. I didn’t go out and party, I grew in Christ. I didn’t enclose myself from people; I made some great new friends. It’s been a good year, and the summer looks great ahead of me. Is it wrong for me to be so optimistic about the summer after my freshman year of college? I have already made a list of goals and plans I want to achieve this summer because I have a new found appreciation for all of them. Parades, fishing, Harley rides, shopping, swimming, it’s all new found fun. This life is amazing, yet mysterious. God is truly wondrous.

Today was Wuvor and I’s 1 Year and 6 Month Anniversary. It’s hard to imagine we’ve been together that long. I’ve learned so much about relationships that I feel like I could write a book, but I’m far from turning into Texan Dr. Phil. Yet I’ve grown so much since I’ve been at school when it comes to my relationship with Wuvor as well. Some people don’t approve of him anymore, and it pains me to see that because two worlds I love are in conflict, a world of warm and happy memories at home and a world with Wuvor and those memories. I’m stating for the fact that I don’t know where our relationship will be in another 6 months, I’m not God (well, duh!). My outlook on the relationship is healthier, I’ve gained a lot of understanding about Wuvor and I, but I still yearn for some kind of peace between my worlds.

I don’t know what the summer will have in store. I don’t have the roadmap, God does. But I know that this summer will be another grand adventure in life. Sure, I know not all times are peachy keen, sunny and 65, and I’m not trying to be naïve about the troubles that will come down the pike, but I know I have a hope in God and His love that is everlasting for all of us. No matter what, there is love.

My oatmeal is finished; it was a good bedtime snack - now its due time for a bedtime nap. So let’s go home to dream and wake up to a beautiful tomorrow. Good night.


Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Wait a minute, you're LITERALLY pooped? Does that mean you're covered in feces?

When I then read that you had to "pack up all your crap" I thought about it differently.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

oh Lindsay...this was a lovely post! You're such a wonderful young woman with your whole life ahead of you. Embrace each and every moment, lesson, and trip to the beach! Have a good summer, and before you know will be time to start a new year!

6:24 AM  
Blogger Melonie said...

Lindsay this is a good post. I remeber the melancholy feeling of leaving the dorms for summer break. I hope that things go well for you this summer. College friends, good college friends last forever. Anna Bee, my best friend from college and I still talk every day and we are rapidly approaching 40. Sophomore year will be much better than you can imagine. Trust me I never thought it could be better than the first, but with each subsequent year of college your perspective and surroundings change and you come into your own. Good luck.

I do have to say that 1 year and 6 months may seem like a long time now, but in the whole scheme of things but it is just but a minute. I am not sure if your post indicates joy or sadness at your romance. If it is joy, I am happy for you. If it is sadness, 1 year and 6 months should not make you feel obligated to a relationship that makes you unhappy, uncomfortable, or just miserable. Nothing that has transpired between you two makes you beholden to this man; you are not married.

7:46 AM  

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