Thursday, April 20, 2006

Remember Me?

Remember Me? The person who has this blog?

No? Really? I could have swore she stopped by here about a month ago...

...go figure. It's been brought up that it's been close to a month since the lsat post. Good news is that she is still alive. Bad news is that she's probably on wanted posters because there are sightings of her here and there.

Well, anyway, it appears she's been having the most hectic time as far as schedules, meetings, programs, and everyone's favorite - homework. Swamped would be a good word. Congested, smothered, cramped, I think you get the idea.

Well, anyway, she had a passion for re-designed the blog but just didn't have the motivation. She hasn't had time to read others and she barely has had the time blog herself, or not blog at all.

So then year is coming to a close, and maybe she'll start a new game called "catch-up". For now, catch ya'll later.

Oh, and enjoy the picture that was taken at Target. It's titled "The Circle of Life" only in plastic version, although I doubt hippos eat baby monkeys and lion cubs probably can't bring down a hippo, but hey, with plastic animals, anything is possible.


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