Thursday, January 06, 2005

Come Again?

I'm glad that my blog uses written words and not spoken. It appears that the "illness" I am suffering has taken another stab at my throat and now I can barely speak at all. The pain is tolerable but talking has become much more difficult that yesterday. Of course, I worked today and was the butt of my jokes, many of which I responded with a "whisper laughed". I tried to do all the odd jobs in the world to stay of register and keep my voice in a somewhat reparable condition. After too many customers, I was just worn out. I even took the intelligent steps of deleting simple phrases I say to be extra talky and kind to people like "Here's your receipt" or something along those lines. Sure, I have energy in my body, but when it came to that last customer, it was all I could do to say "Have a nice day". By the end of the night, I talked to my co-workers with hand signs and pointing.

I still blame Sharon.

(I'm just kidding. I think it was my fungi, germ-loving brother who brought Mr. Throatstabber home to meet me.)

But on a brighter side, Office worker and SNS mama Christine was working and was very sympathetic about the entire situation. She left me go home an hour early and helped me figure that I could take tomorrow off. They have plenty of help if they need it. I need to stay home so I can stay away from the hospital so the hospital can stay far, far away from my wallet.

I feel pretty good as far as ambition. I mean, I got about 11 hours of sleep last night. I love vacation.

What do you think my illness is? Try my quiz and take a guess!(I changed it from the SNS one to this question. More interesting.)

Have a wonderful and very vocal day (to make up for me).


Blogger Melonie said...

It wasn't your brother it was Sharon :)!

Seriously the Asian Monkey Flu thing, not that bad!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Lindsay K. said...

Hahahaha, ok, ok, it's still Sharon's fault.

Really? What were your symptoms Melonie?

7:44 PM  

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