Monday, January 10, 2005

Grumble Mumble

Ever stick your foot in your mouth? Ever want to go back in time and re-direct the actions and words of the past because it just didn't come out right?

Today is my day to find a vehicle that takes me back to the future.

So here's the deal. I know, this story will sound quite school girlish because of the confusing back anf forth, but I have to vent somewhere.(For internet security, I'll use code names.)

Susie is a friend that I went to high school with and we both wanted to keep in touch after our ways parted from high school to college life. We thought we would have a shopping outing in the morning before I went little party for my close friend's sister (Sszie would not attend the party.) The shopping would be in the morning, the party was just 2 hours at night and many people I would get to see before break was over. Perfect.

Then the Maybury disease came upon me. Every time my relatives come home, a dog dies, car breaks down, things get the picture. This time they brought illness with them as a Christmas gift. How kind. Too bad they kept the receipt and went home.

Now I was left sick, unable to speak for a long period of time, and too tired and medicated to make sense of anything. I called Susie on the telephone and explained my health status and told her we would reschedule for next weekend sometime. I figured this plan would work: I would still go to the party at night but it is only two hours and doing two events in one day would be hard. I already gave my RSVP to the party because it was presented to me first. Plus, our trip was early in the morning and I hadn't been sleeping well at all, not to mention the fact that we couldn't be girly and chit chat because of my voice. Yet I didn't tell Susie about the party plans because she wasn't invited and I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news.

Everything seemed to work out so far. I got to sleep a little more than four hours, and conserve energy for the one event on Saturday. Until Susie called and was going to come out to my house to visit. Then I told her the news of the party. Me, being dense and heavily medicated, didn't see what she felt or how she sounded on the phone. We made plans to see each other after the short party and exchange holiday gifts.

The party was good, but it wasn't that great. I got to see some people before I went back to Edinboro for school, but even the little talking I did for two hours had me in misery by the end of the night. I called Susie to see if she would meet us at the end of the road to go to her boyfriend's house (since they were nearby and she was with him) but she said she'd get it to me another time.

Then I check my mail.

I have offended Susie by what I did. It angered her I was too sick to shop with her but not sick enough to go to a party. I sent her back a reply stating all the reasoning I thought I had about the time frame, sickness, etc. but it all seemed like excuses and now I was in trouble.

These little things in life make me tired, almost as if I am trying to entertain everyone on the planet and keep them happy. I know this is impossible and most of the time not true, but I like to be at peace with everyone I know. I can't lose Susie because she's such a good friend. I already lost my best friend since high school, I don't need another loss.

Sorry for this lamenting blah blah blah blog today. On a brighter note, I am being quite savy when it come to book buying for the new semester and bought 4 books online saving me $70.00. But I am still anxious about when they will come in and the other classes I have yet to be introduced to. In addition to my savy spending, I finally accessed my grades from the last semester and I was shocked. My mouth practically hit the floor. It appears I finished out with a QPA of 3.7, surpassing the limit for Dean's List, which is 3.4 something. I am shocked, honored, but I feel like I didn't deserve it, or did I? I'm not sure. I'll believe it when I get something in the mail.

Have a terrific and warm day!


Blogger Melonie said...

Give Susie time, a true friend will forgive and forget, if not let it go.

Isn't the Dean's list the greatest thing ever! Congratulations on you illusturous college career.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I agree, I think Susie will get over it.
What she is feeling is probably just disappointment because she likes you so much (as we all do!) and the joy of seeing you again, when she does, will erase the current hard feeling as though it had never been.
you're only human, and can only do so much. everyone who knows you knows how sweet and kind you are.
she'll come around.
try not to worry about it too much.
Congratulations on your excellent GPA by the way!! :)

7:15 AM  

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